Blog reactivate

Yes!!! I'm finally back!!! But not soon enough to make a last entry in 2008. Well..i guess i don't need to worry about not posting it because there seems to be several blog posts on my blog list to remind me of the coming of the end of 2008. Don't be mistaken. 2008 was a good year for me. Not too great but good enough for me to recall back every now and then.

Anyway..i am official reactivating this blog now that I'm back after disappearing for more than a week. Not much happen though in S'pore. It was a okay trip. Was given 2 pairs of pants and t-shirts and a mountain of food.

Macky is back after being admitted to maccity hospital for more than a week due to corrupted RAMs.

Attended a new year party at weiyuen's place on the 31st and 1st.

My dad and grandma is up here which results in me sharing a bed with my mum.

I spend the 2nd day of the year catching up on the fanfics, manga, anime and other random stuff.

My external harddisk is home too. Brought back several psp games to try out.

Have been thinking to buy a ps2 or a wii. Haven decided yet. Have to raise funds first. Donation anyone?

Uni will resumed in a fortnight's time. Have to give some consideration on internship. Hell, what a headache!

With things started to come pouring in, it's gotta to be new year. A new start as what they usually say. Well..let's just hope thingd turn out okay this year...if not better.

Happy New Year everyone!

Hope 2009 will full of wonders and less chaos!!!!

2 Boos:

~MoMo*Chin~ said...

PsII... u should ask Mr. Momo.. he might wanna chip in.. haha

booboo said...


sure *cough* or *cough* not?