1. what is multimedia?
"Multimedia means more than one media"
And so? Multimedia refers to a lot of media right? Right. That doesnt sound very convincing isnt it? Basically, it's like putting an explanation for the sake of explaining. Dont tell me they copied the concept from multitask which literally means doing a lot of task at the same time. Hmmm....i wonder if they will give us full marks if we just write exactly like that for our exams.
2. Distributing media
"using physical media such as CDs or DVDs"
"CD-ROM is a compact disc read only memory"
"DVD-ROM is multilayered digitalized versatile disc"
Aduh, is there anyone out there in utar who still dont know what cd or dvd is?
3. Where to use multimedia?
"school, business, public places, home"
Oh boy, now there's even a guideline on where to use multimedia. Fantastic. (=_=)
4. What is javascript?
"javascript is NOT java"
Okay, so what IS javascript?
5. What is online?
"online = connected"
"offline = not connected"
Well yeah, i assume every utarians knew these 2 terms very well right? Unless they are really really illiterate which i highly doubt so.
And there you have it, memorable phrases from our brilliant lecture notes. I'm not sure if there's more. Havent finish reading yet. Or perhaps i didnt notice anymore because it's too common sense to be er...erm...ermh...noticeable.
Better late than never
6 years ago
6 Boos:
hahaha..nice blog..funny..
laughed when read..^^ cheers..
i dont even know what i am reading now..
lolxxxx... all the best though.. =.=
lol. nice one xiao chin...
they mite as well ask us wat is abc... n 123..
arrr... i know d...
if the 0.5 media a, should call halfmedia rite? coz 0.5 not yet more then one ma...
cd is cd, dvd is dvd, should it teach us like this?
chicken not a chick, rite?
lol... not oni our tutor geng lor, teach us copy n paste, slide also vvv geng wei...
jason ~ thks!i also dont really understand what i'm reading too or i already understand??? hmmm...
jazs ~ thks! wah if they really do like that then the banging session will take up more than 5 posts i think...hahahahhaa
chicken ~ now then u know utar syok ah? i think it's their tradition to be super duper annoying.
good GOD.. wat kind of lecturers do u guys have??? teruk.. maybe u should try answering the questions like the notes.. haha.. if salah.. can blame the teacher!!!
momochin~ now u know what chaplang notes we have
heh heh heh
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