It's not that i want to be that way...well how should i put this?
Don't get me wrong...i don't feel like giving up.
I want to do more...but the thing's kinda hard to accept that you work hard and you only get so little in return. Or sometimes you don't get any at all.
Well...i think i kinda cari pasal la. Was being over confident with myself. Knowing that me myself is not that good but still wanna prove something...i become like this. padan muka kau kau.
If i'm alone in this mess, i should very well said i deserve it. But there are other ppl in this too and i feel so baddddd for pulling them down.
Next time, i shall do things the simple way.
Always K.I.S.S
Back to work.
Better late than never
6 years ago
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