You know, i have been wondering....
Where did my voice go?
If it's due to the sore throat maybe i can understand la, but by right it shouldnt be connected to the coughs right? No? Actually i dont know la.
I am almost reaching the recovery point when it had to rain yesterday ==. And it was not during afternoon when i first spotted the dark clouds. It had to rain when. we. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Will Mr.Rain stop cracking a joke with us? It's not funny!!!
So being the forgetful me, i forgot to bring umbrella because last week i dont have to worry bout transport mah. Mummy can fetch me =) But starting from this week, i have to find my way back home.
Okay, back to the story, it was still raining heavily after a little wait. Looks like Mr. Rain wont be stopping anytime soon. booohooohooo~
And just recently i had noticed something. It had to rain whenever i'm wearing a white top!!!
Great man. Damn great.
This just didnt happen yesterday. Even on my shooting days, it rained too when i was wearing white which led me wondering...does Mr Weather have a grudge against what colour top i decide to wear? When i was wearing black, the weather will be hot and heaty. Terbalik pulak.
Luckily jasmine sent me to the bus stop if not ah, i dont know have to wait for how long. Before dropping me, she have to drop alwin and nigel first because they wanted to go jaya one to do something.
Wah seriously i tell you ah, i damn chadou by Alwin lor.
After nigel got off right, Jasmine went further ahead and asked Alwin where he wants to stop.
Alwin : Go infront a bit
Jasz : Infront where?
Alwin : The newsjunction there la. There got shelter mah. So i wont get wet.
All three of us - pui kar, jasz and me sort of shouted at him and questioned bout his gender. LoL.
Really, i also thought he wanted to get down there mainly because he wants to get something or walk in from there. Manatau he said he wanna get down from there so that he wont get wet.
Excuse me?
My impression of him ah..aiyoh..i dont know how to say la...
After that jasmine dropped me at the bus stop already. Then reach 1u already. I was thinking about the possibility of getting drenched. If i was fast enough, maybe i wont be that wet? Aiyoh, this is the most troublesome part because the bus will only stop near the traffic lights. You have to walk there yourself.
As the bus was stopped, i was running to 1u already. Then got a few chinese people with big umbrellas walking so ever slowly. Like the rain will kill them if they were to speed up a little. So i ran halfway then kena blocked by them. Even if i asked them to let me pass, they still continue to walk the way they are. These people ah, they should let those without umbrella wan pass first mah. I mean i know it's slippery and all. But surely u can hear someone running behind you right? And one lady was kind enough to let me pass first. Thank you whoever you are.
Needless to say, by the time i reached 1u i was about 70% wet. My shoes are totally soaked, of course la, with holes like that, not soaked is considered a miracle. My hair was quite wet until you can see water dripping from the ends already.
And even so i have to hurry to the taxi stand as it will get more crowded as time passed by. As expected the queue was quite long and i waited for about 1 hour like that before i got home. Tired, wet and cold. That is why i hate it when it rain at the wrong time.
After bathing, i realised my body is burning hot and yeah, i'm having a fever AGAIN.
Oh shit.
I want to get well soon la. There are lots of things that i want to eat but cant. Even last night's dinner, mummy bought claypot rice. I can only eat the rice and the chinese sausages but not the chicken. And it didnt even stay in my stomach for long. Because i have been coughing so much, so i sort of vomitted my dinner too.
Damn sickening. Hope to get well soon.
Puh-leaze can i have a peaceful sleep tonight?
And i want my voice back ><
Better late than never
6 years ago